Data mining

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Station 1

Oldest record: 2017-03-29 16:18:50

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Sensor Property Units
10 Minute Wind Gust
Column: sensor_13145
Column type: INT(4)
Wind Speed Miles Per Hour
Column: sensor_13144
Column type: INT(4)
Wind Speed Miles Per Hour
Column: sensor_13133
Column type: DECIMAL(5,3)
Barometric Pressure Inches of Mercury
Barometer Tendency
Column: sensor_13135
Column type: VARCHAR(16)
Barometric Pressure Tendency Pressure Tendency
Condensation / Dew
Column: sensor_13169
Column type: INT(2)
Leaf Wetness Leaf Wetness Index
Column: sensor_13138
Column type: DECIMAL(4,1)
Temperature Degrees Fahrenheit
Field Level Humidity
Column: sensor_13172
Column type: INT(4)
Relative Humidity Percent Humidity
Field Level Temperature
Column: sensor_13171
Column type: DECIMAL(4,1)
Temperature Degrees Fahrenheit
Field-Level Wet Bulb Globe Temperature
Column: sensor_28915
Column type: DECIMAL(4,1)
Temperature Degrees Fahrenheit
Heat Index
Column: sensor_13139
Column type: DECIMAL(4,1)
Temperature Degrees Fahrenheit
Column: sensor_13148
Column type: INT(4)
Relative Humidity Percent Humidity
Rain Gauge
Column: sensor_13156
Column type: DECIMAL(4,2)
Today's Rainfall Inches
Rain Rate
Column: sensor_13154
Column type: DECIMAL(4,2)
Rain Rate Inches Per Hour
Soil Moisture (12 in)
Column: sensor_13166
Column type: INT(3)
Soil Moisture Centibar
Soil Moisture (6 in)
Column: sensor_13163
Column type: INT(3)
Soil Moisture Centibar
Soil Temperature (12 in)
Column: sensor_13162
Column type: DECIMAL(4,1)
Temperature Degrees Fahrenheit
Soil Temperature (6 in)
Column: sensor_13159
Column type: DECIMAL(4,1)
Temperature Degrees Fahrenheit
Solar Radiation Sensor
Column: sensor_13151
Column type: INT(4)
Solar Radiation Watts Per Square Meter
Column: sensor_13136
Column type: DECIMAL(4,1)
Temperature Degrees Fahrenheit
UV Radiation Sensor
Column: sensor_13153
Column type: INT(2)
Ultra Violet Radiation UV Index
Wet Bulb Globe Temperature
Column: sensor_13141
Column type: DECIMAL(4,1)
Temperature Degrees Fahrenheit
Wind Chill
Column: sensor_13142
Column type: DECIMAL(4,1)
Temperature Degrees Fahrenheit
Wind Vane
Column: sensor_13150
Column type: INT(3)
Wind Direction Degrees

Enter MySQL Query (this table name: records_586; columns: id INT(11) PRI AUTO_INC, time (DATETIME)) DESCRIBE records_586

Select time period (Oldest record 2017-03-29 16:18:50)

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